Monday, June 13, 2005

Chocolate = Health Food

The "prototype" of chocolate milk was a foamy mess of cacao dregs with chili peppers that Indians in the Americas traditionally drank to stimulate energy, digestion and sexuality. This concoction worked because cacao is rich in phenol, an antioxidant that is also found in red wine. The U.S. Magazine Natural Health notes that phenol lowers blood pressure, make our vascular system ore elestic, and reduces the risk of blood clots. Note that milk chcoclate contains 2 to 3 times less phenol, so if you're enjoying chocolate for your health, choose the dark variety.

Ode Magazine voted Green & Black's chocolate one of their Top 20 Organic selections of the best natural products and sutainable companies.

Go to Green & Black's to find out where you can buy it in your area.

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